Saturday, February 4, 2012

Yukon Quest 2012

The Yukon Quest covers 1,000 miles between Whitehorse, Yukon and Fairbanks, Alaska during the depths of the Arctic winter. It is by far one of the most extreme winter sports out there and it has now made its way onto my bucket list! I'm sure if I ask Kitty she could tell me all I need to know about mushing...Michelle and I went down to the Chena River this morning and watched all the dog teams take off on there 1000 mile journey. It's a good time to start the race, the weather is supposed to be nice for the next few days as a high pressure fills the eastern interior of Alaska. This mornings temp at the starting line was around 8 below and the mushers might see some daytime highs above 0 along there way! The teams start on the frozen river and travel from check point to check point. They all carry Spot GPS systems and are easily tracked all the to Whitehorse:  

We took a video and posted it to youtube:

Here are some photos we got (keep in mind we are all standing on the Chena River!):

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