Saturday, February 4, 2012

49 Below, check it out!!!

We survived our first cold snap and I'm sure it won't be our last! The month of January was extreme to say the least...There were 16 days where it was 40 below zero or colder, which made it one of the coldest January's in 40 years. The all time record was set in 1970 where they saw 21 days of 40 below or colder! There were several days where the low temps were 50 below or colder. Not much to do when it's that cold, except hunker down in the cabin and enjoy some hot chocolate :-)

But one fun thing to do is throw a hot cup pf water into the air and watch it evaporate. Michelle and I were told about this neat trick and have been waiting to do it, so click on the link and check out the youtube video we posted:

And I guess this makes it official:

Just a few shots from a morning when it was 42 below...


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